Monday, December 21, 2015

HB-1B QRP Rig Update


My HB-1B QRP CW Transceiver with external 12v 6800mAH Rechargeable Li-ion Battery, DJG-K4 Morse Code Key, and an iHip speaker - connected to a 40meter simple wire-dipole antenna. Now it just needs an antenna tuner. Today I've been trying to make contacts on 7114.0MHz and 7110.0MHz, no joy so far. I was offered help today from KC4YLV & KB6NU (whose blog I've looked at several times over the last several months, as it turns out) after they saw that I'd be on the air on my Twitter ham feed. I am very thankful for the generous offer to help me try to make my first CW contact. The airwaves (or perhaps my antenna setup?) were not as generous. Maybe next time. We'll get it figured out soon I'm sure, especially with great folks out there who are willing to help a newb out.


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