Friday, June 18, 2021

Augusta, Georgia / CSRA Brandmeister Talkgroup



I heard a conversation on a net the other day between a couple of hams who were discussing getting a talkgroup started for the Augusta, Georgia / CSRA area. They are encouraging folks in the area to use Brandmeister Talkgroup 312345 as much as possible. I don't know how the process works, but it sounds like they need to get a minimum amount of usage on that TG to have it officially recognized by Brandmeister. So... if you live in that area (I lived there from 1998 until 2003) and are looking for a DMR talkgroup - there's an option. I haven't used TGIF yet but apparently TGIF 358 is a CSRA-Talk channel as well. Just passing along the info in case somebody is looking for it.

They also talked about the "QRM Network" as an alternative to Brandmeister - their conversation made it sound like the QRM Network might be an easier place for groups to get their own designated DMR rooms. Do a QRZ search for KC3OL for more information. 


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